Grams of Wisdom

Cannabis Industry Information Blog

Marijuana Deliveries For Marijuana Sales Locations

The Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) Administrative Rule 420.207 permits marijuana retail establishments and provisioning centers to provide delivery services to eligible customers–provided the sales location submits a delivery plan with the CRA and obtains approval.

Retail establishments may delivery to any customer over the age of 21 at any residential address or designated consumption establishment address from which an order is placed. Provisioning centers may deliver to qualified patients, only at the patient’s residential address. If the patient is under the age of 18, then registered primary caregivers are required to accept delivery.

Delivery orders may be processed online. Age or patient status must be verified, and all transactions must be recorded in METRC. A facility engaging in marijuana delivery will also have to record additional information including but not limited to, identifying delivery vehicle info, the route manifest, and a delivery ledger.

This is not a complete list of delivery requirements for a marihuana sales location. For more information on CRA compliance, please contact the Cannabis Compliance Associates.