Grams of Wisdom

Cannabis Industry Information Blog

Expiration Dates On Edible Marijuana Products

The Cannabis Regulatory Agency Rule 420.403(11)(a) requires a product expiration date for all edible marijuana products. The expiration date must consider (1) the quality and characteristics of the edible marijuana product, (2) the packaging of the edible marijuana product, and (3) the customary conditions encountered by the edible marijuana product from product to sale. Although it is best practices to include an expiration date on all marijuana and marijuana products, the CRA rule only requires an expiration date on edible marijuana products.

Marijuana establishments are prohibited from selling a marijuana product past the expiration date under R 420.502. Provisioning centers and adult use retail establishments must verify that a product is not past its expiration date before selling or transferring an edible marijuana product under R. 420.505. A marijuana establishment is required to destroy, and record in METRC, any marijuana product past its expiration date.